Halloween Day

Halloween Day

Dear UCA Parents and Guardians,

We hope this message finds you well. We will celebrate Halloween on Thursday, October 31, 2024. All grade levels will participate. Preschool and Cycle one will dress in costume and will Trick-or-Treat on campus. Cycle two, Middle, and High School will be able to dress in costume or have a non-uniform day.

If your child dresses in costume, we would like to remind you that the UCA dress code, prohibited items, and code of conduct still apply. Costumes may not be offensive or inappropriate and should not depict gangs or horror characters or be scary. Students are not allowed to bring any pretend weapons (such as water pistols, knives or swords) or wear full masks to school. They can wear moderate face makeup, nothing extreme. Encourage your children to be creative and to use materials available at home if possible. No need to buy anything!

We appreciate your support and cooperation in this event. We hope this day will be successfully fun for all!

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