Trials Procedures and Expectations

Trials Procedures and Expectations

The UCA campus is open for student access from 8:00 a.m. every day trials will be held. Students are not allowed on campus before 8:00 a.m. Students arriving prior to 8:00 a.m. will not be allowed to pass through the gate. Supervision will not be provided outside the gate so parents are requested to ensure an adult is with their child in case they are denied access based on the screening protocol at the gate. All students, staff and parents will have their temperature taken and will only be allowed to enter campus if their temperature meets the requirement of 37.5 degrees or lower and are free of COVID-19 symptoms.  


Vehicle Drop-off and Pickup Procedures  

Parents and students should enter campus ONLY through the lower gate of the new building. Parents are required to stay in their vehicles at all times. Students will exit their vehicles and immediately proceed to their classes. Students are not permitted to linger in the halls or outside the buildings. Parents will be notified by the principal when their child is ready to be picked up. Upon arrival at the lower gate parents will notify security personnel the name of the student they are picking up. Parents will then proceed through the gate and park. As previously mentioned, parents are not allowed to leave their vehicles. UCA staff will escort the student to their vehicle. Parents and students will then immediately exit the UCA campus. 


Independent Arrival and Exit Procedures

The UCA campus is open for student access from 8:00 a.m. every day trials will be held. Students are not allowed on campus before 8:00 a.m. and must leave immediately after being picked up. Students arriving prior to 8:00 a.m. will be not be allowed to pass through the gate. Supervision will not be provided outside the gate so parents are requested to ensure an adult is with their child in case they are denied access based on the screening protocol at the gate. All students, staff, parents and visitors will have their temperature taken and will only be allowed to enter campus if their temperature meets the requirement of 37.5 degrees or lower and are free of COVID-19 symptoms. Students will enter through the lower gate and immediately proceed to their classes. Students are not permitted to linger in the halls or outside the buildings. Upon completion of their final exam, UCA staff will escort students to the lower gate. Students will then immediately exit the UCA campus. Students will not be allowed to linger outside the lower gate after completing their exams. 


Health and Safety Procedures

Physical Distancing Arrangements 

  • UCA will provide space in the facility to distance our students and staff. A maximum of one student per three (3) square meters of total indoor capacity will be maintained, providing enough space to reasonably distance our students and staff.

  • Classrooms will maintain a maximum of one student per three (3) meters square capacity limit, with a minimum of three (3) square meters for every person in the room. 

  • The school will place stickers on the floor to help ensure proper social distancing is maintained at all times.

  • Classroom use will be limited to students assigned to the classroom for exams.

  • Classroom areas will be arranged so that each person in the room has three (3) square meters of personal space with a minimum of 1.5 meters in any direction.

  • Students will not be allowed to use other student’s classroom supplies or testing materials.

  • Windows and doors will be opened whenever possible to encourage ventilation.

Educational Considerations  

  • Students will only be allowed to leave the classroom to use the restroom and to exit upon the completion or their final exam. 

  • Students are required to bring hand sanitizer with them to the exam. Students will sanitize their hands prior to entering the classroom. Teachers and staff will supervise students in order to ensure proper hand sanitizing protocols are followed at all times.  

  • Students will be required to bring an additional face mask to school to be kept in their desks. The face mask should be labeled with their name and kept in a sealed plastic bag.

  • Breaks will be given throughout the day. Students will remain seated at their desks during breaks.

  • Food will be eaten at student’s desks.


Testing Materials 

  • Teachers and cleaning staff will maintain the sanitizing of the classroom and testing materials. 

  • Pencils/pens and other school supplies will not be shared. Students will be required to bring their own writing utensils to testing.

  • Proctors will distribute and collect all testing materials.


UCA staff will serve as safety monitors posted in different areas of campus. and floor decals will be installed throughout campus to indicate where students need to line up. Students are required to follow rules and directions of supervising staff at all times. Students who do not comply with staff will be immediately removed from campus and receive a zero (0) on their exams for that day of testing. Students who continue to violate health and safety guidelines may face expulsion from UCA. 

What Will Happen if Someone is Exposed to

a Person Infected with COVID-19?

Exposure is defined by the CDC as a contact within one meter for 15 minutes or more. If a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19, all students and staff members who have been exposed will need to stay home for fourteen days. 

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